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Data Split

This section demonstrates how to use motrainer to partition data for parallel ML model training.

We start with an xarray.Dataset object, which contains spatio-temporal data for training multiple independent Machine Learning (ML) models. Examples of reading spatio-temporal data into xarray.Dataset can be found in Example 1 and Example 2.

The example Dataset object ds contains input and output data from 5 grid cells. It has two dimensions: space and time. It has six data variables, where STATE1 to STATE5 are physical model states (input data) and observations (output data).

Dimensions:    (space: 5, time: 8506)
    latitude   (space) float64 56.12 46.12 53.38 49.38 44.38
    longitude  (space) float64 11.38 6.625 6.125 12.38 0.625
  * time       (time) datetime64[ns] 2007-01-02 ... 2020-01-01T01:00:00
Dimensions without coordinates: space
Data variables:
    STATE1     (space, time) float64 0.07079 0.05532 0.04846 ... 0.06712 0.05521
    STATE2     (space, time) float64 0.04366 0.0462 0.03821 ... 0.0861 0.05622
    STATE3     (space, time) float64 280.0 270.4 285.5 277.4 ... 287.4 272.1
    STATE4     (space, time) float64 274.8 278.4 280.6 283.7 ... 280.2 281.5
    STATE5     (space, time) float64 280.9 279.7 278.0 278.0 ... 281.2 280.1
    OBS        (space, time) float64 -9.49 -8.494 -9.069 ... -8.071 -8.237
    license:  data license
    source:   data source

Before splitting, you can verify if a dataset is splittable using the is_splitable function:


The is_splitable function will return True if the dataset has exactly two dimensions: "space" and "time", and there are no duplicated keys in any of the coordinates of the dataset.

Splitting Spatio-Temporal Dataset for Independent Training Processes

The dataset_split function can be used to partition data. The split can be performed by specifying a dimension name or using an identifier.

Splitting by Dimension Names

One can specify adimension name to split, e.g. "space":

import motrainer
bags = motrainer.dataset_split(ds, "space")
dask.bag<from_sequence, npartitions=5>

This will split ds per grid cell in to a Dask.bag object. Each partition is an independent gridcell.

We can check one grid cell by:

 Dimensions:    (space: 1, time: 8506)
     latitude   (space) float64 56.12
     longitude  (space) float64 11.38
   * time       (time) datetime64[ns] 2007-01-02 ... 2020-01-01T01:00:00
     space_id   (space) int64 0
 Dimensions without coordinates: space
 Data variables:
     STATE1     (space, time) float64 0.07079 0.05532 0.04846 ... 0.06611 0.06511
     STATE2     (space, time) float64 0.04366 0.0462 0.03821 ... 0.0361 0.05612
     STATE3     (space, time) float64 280.0 270.4 285.5 277.4 ... 282.4 278.7
     STATE4     (space, time) float64 274.8 278.4 280.6 283.7 ... 281.2 281.9
     STATE5     (space, time) float64 280.9 279.7 278.0 278.0 ... 276.1 279.1
     OBS        (space, time) float64 -9.49 -8.494 -9.069 ... -8.1721 -8.157
     license:  data license
     source:   data source,)

1-D split by indetifier

One can also create an identifier dictionary to split. The keys of the dictionary should be a subset of {"space", "time"}, mapping "space" and/or "time" dimension with corresponding separation identifier.

For example, ds can be splitted into two parts (first+fourth grid, and the rest) in space:

import numpy as np

identifier = {"space": np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1])}
bags = motrainer.dataset_split(ds, identifier)

ds_splitted = bags.compute()

2-D split by indetifier

One can perform a 2-D split by providing identifiers in both space and time dimensions:

id_time = np.zeros(8506)
identifier = {"space": np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1]), "time": id_time}
bags = motrainer.dataset_split(ds, identifier)

dask.bag<from_sequence, npartitions=4>

for parts in ds_splitted:
Frozen({'samples': 4000})
Frozen({'samples': 13012})
Frozen({'samples': 6000})
Frozen({'samples': 19518})

Train-Test Split

Before training, one can further split the datasets into training and testing datasets to reserve some data for testing. If the split needs to be based on the space and time coordinates, one can use motrainer.train_test_split to perform this split. Otherwise we recommend sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split( for simplicity.

Splitting by Coordinates

When specifying a space or time coordinate, the dataset will be split into two parts: the part smaller ("<") than the coordinates and the rest (">="). By default, the former will be the training data and the latter will be testing.

If the dataset has already be splitted into Dask.bags, we recommend to use the map function to apply train-test split to each splitted element.

The following will select data before 2017-01-01 as training data:

train_test_bags =
    motrainer.train_test_split, split={"time": np.datetime64("2017-01-01")}

Then extract train and test data using pluck:

train_bags = train_test_bags.pluck(0)
test_bags = train_test_bags.pluck(1)

When reverse=True is present, the latter part (">=" coordinate) will be training data, the rest will be testing. The following code will select data after (and include) 2017-01-01 as training data:

train_test_bags =
    motrainer.train_test_split, split={"time": np.datetime64("2017-01-01"), reverse=True}
train_bags = train_test_bags.pluck(0)
test_bags = train_test_bags.pluck(1)

One can also apply motrainer.train_test_split directly to an xarray.Dataset object:

motrainer.train_test_split(ds, split={"time": np.datetime64("2017-01-01")})

Splitting by Mask

Alternatively, you can also initiate a mask to perform training data. By default, training data will be where mask is True. For example, if you would like to have data before 2017-01-01 as training data:

mask = ds["time"] < np.datetime64("2017-01-01")
train, test = train_test_split(ds, mask=mask)

If reverse is specified, training data will be where mask is False. The following will select data after (and include) 2017-01-01 as training data:

mask = ds["time"] < np.datetime64("2017-01-01")
train, test = train_test_split(ds, mask=mask, reverse=True)